Monday, November 21, 2011

SOAP Request Performance Testing - Data driven format

To execute a SOAP request in a Jmeter:
1. Add a thread group to a test plan.
2. Add a sampler - SOAP/XML-RPC Request
3. Add a listener - View Results Tree, Aggregate Report etc.

4. Now I am going to take an example SOAP request and perform the action
Let’s have the WSO URL Location: where the actual web services are hosted.
You can add your web “.wso” file extension in the URL location

5. Now add a sample SOAP/XML-RPC Data like 100

Ø The “100” represents the Fahrenheit value for which the Celsius value has to be found.
Ø You can also parameterise the value “100” from an excel file, text file etc
Ø The XMLNS can be obtained from the Web service file.